
Raw Materials for MDx Real-Time PCR Premixes

Superplex qPCR Premix [Probe]

  • Probe-based real-time PCR reagent
  • Multiplex: Up to 12-plex probe qPCR in a reaction
  • Convenient 2x concentrated premix
  • Specific, sensitive, and reliable
  • Unique buffer system and hot-start enzyme
  • UDG system incorporated to prevent carry-over contaminations


Cat.No. Product Feature Size
BSUQ RealHelix™ Superplex qPCR Premix [Probe], Bulk UDG System Custom

This is the bulk version of RealHelix™ Superplex qPCR Kit [Probe].

If you would like to purchase in bulk, please contact


RealHelix™ Superplex qPCR Premix [Probe] is designed for multiple target qPCR detections using dual-labeled probes in real-time PCR instruments. The user convenient 2x premix contains all required components including a hot-start Taq polymerase, heat-labile uracil-DNA glycosylase, dUTP, dNTPs, buffer, magnesium ion and stabilizing agents. The hot-start Taq polymerase provides high specific amplification of target DNA and minimizes the side products such as primer dimers. This UDG/dUTP system prevents the carryover contamination of PCR products from previous reactions. Bulk version is premix only. ROX reference dye is available separately upon request.

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