본 제품은 HelixAmp™ Taq Polymerase의 bulk 공급 품목입니다.
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HelixAmp™ Taq Polymerase는 Thermus Aquaticus DNA 중합효소 유전자를 발현 및 정제한 재조합 효소(recombinant enzyme)입니다. HelixAmp™ Taq Polymerase는 열 안정성(thermostability)과 sensitivity를 강화한 Taq DNA Polymerase입니다. 나노헬릭스 고유의 정제 공정을 통해 높은 순도로 정제된 본 제품은 PCR 검사에 매우 적합합니다.
Bulk 공급 품목은 enzyme만 제공되며, 10x Reaction Buffer 및 기타 구성품은 요청 시 별도 제공됩니다.

Figure 1. The purity of HelixAmp™ Taq Polymerase.
The purity and concentration of the prepared enzyme were analyzed by SDS-PAGE with each unit represented. St: Standard Protein marker.

Figure 2. The sensitivity of HelixAmp™ Taq Polymerase.
HelixAmp™ Taq Polymerase amplified targets from the genomic region of human PKD (polycystic kidney disease) gene at various concentrations of human genomic DNA. 1.25 U of Taq DNA polymerases manufactured by NanoHelix and other companies were used.

Figure 3. Comparison of the PCR performances of commercial Taq polymerases on various sizes of targets.
The PCRs were performed with 1.25 units of Taq polymerases and supplied buffers from each manufacturer. All other components and conditions applied are identical throughout the reactions.

Figure 4. Superior activity of HelixAmp™ Taq Polymerase.
The PCRs were performed with indicated units of Taq polymerases and supplied buffers from each manufacturer. All other components and conditions applied are identical throughout the reactions. NC, negative control reactions were performed with 2.5 units of enzymes without template DNA.
Enzyme activities: Highly processive 5'-3' DNA polymerase; double-strand specific 5'-3' exonuclease; no 3'-5' exonuclease activity
Temperature optimum: Approximately +75 ℃
Storage buffer: 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0), 100 mM KCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, stabilizers and 50 % (v/v) glycerol
Purity: ≥ 95 % (SDS-PAGE)
DNase contamination test: Not detectable (Incubation with 40 U enzyme and pUC19 plasmid at 37 ℃, 1 hr)
RNase contamination test: Not detectable (Incubation with 40 U enzyme and human total RNA at 37 ℃, 1 hr)
DNA contamination test: [E.coli DNA] less than 1 copy/5 U enzyme, [Human DNA] Not detectable
Activity test in PCR and qPCR: Correspond to reference (Human genomic DNA target)
Stability: 24 months at -20 ℃